Right now

Hi! Right now I’m working on my Eyeball shawl by Stephen West: My eye


Here’s a bit of an unpopular opinion; I don’t really find his patterns that good. I would say that he’s my favorite of the popular pattern designers out there because the creations/garments/whatever are unique, colorful and they always feel fun and modern.

Many of the patterns out there are either classic and stylish but not that much fun, or
too much fun… Try to imagine those girls wearing those things outside of a photo shoot?
If you’re a grandma and give these things to your grandkids you obviously hate them, or the grandkids are too young to have a free will yet or to go to school and get bullied…

Loads of patterns are also really stuck in some age when I was not born yet… the 80’s! Yes drops design, I’m talking to you guys.

Anyways, even though Stephen West’s patterns are fun, it seems that people don’t always find them that easy to understand, and I can only agree with that. What I am trying to say is that a good design and a good pattern is not the same thing! And if I ever become a proper knitwear designer I will do my best to do both. Who has ever complained that a pattern was over-explaining the tricky stuff, really?

Do any of my readers have an opinion on this? Who is your favorite designer, pattern writer, or have you found yourself someone who can do both?

On another note, this week I came back after easter holiday to find that it had snowed. Or I actually got a bunch of videos of the snow so I already knew, but you know, I was thinking it could just be a new snapchat filter, one should always think critically. I’m now telling my radish sprouts to please get back down there and wait for another week! If they survive their first time in life I promise I will maybe post a picture.

I also want to share an online yarn shop that i found, called EatSleepKnit that I will probably never order from because it’s US only and super expensive, but it’s such a pretty webpage with only luxurious yarns. Another shop that I might order from at some point because I think they ship to wherever from New Zealand, is Stray cat socks. I’m not that into knitting socks like some people are, and regardless of that I would never knit socks with such expensive yarn, it seems like such a waste to me. But anyway, look at all of those color combinations, they are all spot on. I will go back at some point and steal them for a project!


Nice color combinations for knitting projects can also be found elsewhere, like this corridor staircase I found last week while I was out and about (which means drunk). I imagine the grey and yellow in a striped sweater maybe? And I guess I would also have to name the sweater Corridor A 20-23. Remember where you heard it first.

See you guys soon!