Some shopping

I posted a while ago about my Eyeball shawl. It will be too warm to wear during summer, but I sure would love to have it finished until autumn because I think it will turn out really good. But I figured out a while ago that I would need one more skein of the white main color. I wouldn’t blame the pattern for that though because the yarn that I used for the main color is on the heavier side of fingering weight yarns compared to what is suggested in the pattern so it’s no surprise that it ran out faster. I bought 200 grams as suggested in the pattern and it would have been just enough for the main color but not for the brioche edge.

Anyway, ordering one skein felt a bit silly and I thought I was good for the summer when it comes to my stash… But then again I am a fan of shopping, so of course I had to order yarn for all of my other plans and also come up with some new, to reach the limit for free shipping ;).


The grey skeins of cashmerino aran was actually a christmas gift, I just brought them out for a photo with their new yellow friends! I haven’t used them since christmas because I wanted to use the yarn for some sort of scarf, and then two balls were not enough. The yarn is really soft and therefore not really suited for mittens or anything that has to go through a lot of wear and tear. I think they will have to rest until autumn and then I will come up with some sort of colorwork cowl pattern.

The other skeins are all Stylecraft dk, which I have seen recommended as the best cheap acrylic yarn out there, and I am willing to agree. It’s almost as cheap as those supermarket yarns  but much more soft, fluffy and without that plastic feel to it. Of course it still feels like an acrylic yarn but it’s really nice to my hands when working with it. Also it comes in a ton of different colors! The grey skeins are for the shark bag that i wrote about in my last post, the color silver grey I found to be a nice shark color.

For me since I as a student have a limited budget, I enjoy having a go-to acrylic yarn at home. Especially when it comes to buying a sweater amount of yarn, cheap wool is not an option for me because of the itching, and I don’t want to waste some really nice yarn until I trust myself with being able to knit totally flawless sweaters… An acrylic yarn sweater can look just as fabulous, and not having to worry about your nice sweater being ruined in a washing accident is of course nice. The burgundy skeins will therefore become a sweater, inspired by this project. Probably I will use another pattern, but I was inspired to knit a sweater in the exact same color.

Burgundy was actually my favorite color for a long time as a kid, I guess I was an old soul because it’s not really a “kids’ color”, is it? Nowadays I would probably list teal, pink and black as my favorite colors… But I think the reason that having a favorite color is not really a grown-up thing is that you understand that there are too many shades of one color to describe and some of them you will always consider to be awful. If I were to give a proper answer it would end up like: Whats your favorite color? -Blue, but I would say C.I. 77510 rather than 73000, you can google that if you want to know what I’m into!

I have a plan for those three skeins to the right as well, but I will actually keep that a secret until I’ve started the project so you can see for yourselves. But I can at least say that the lovely color combo is inspired by this crochet pattern which I found in my ravelry favorites, it’s cool isn’t it?

As for me I will be studying for exams, but after next week I will probably be blogging and knitting more throughout summer.

Enjoy your knitting!